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The Brighter Image Dental Lab

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The first step to Lab Direct Professional Teeth Whitening is to place your order one of three ways:
Call 800-037-584 free anytime, click on the Live Help button on any page and give your order online in real time to a real person, or online through our secure ordering system.
Your professional teeth whitening system will be shipped direct from our lab within 24 hours of us receiving it and will arrive in the mail within 7 to 10 days.

When your system(s) arrive please open the box completely and lift out the contents. Your return envelope and important information will be found printed on the box under the black tray.
Teeth Whitening Impressions
Carefully follow the step by step instructions printed on the box for mixing the base and catalyst and taking your impressions.

Take your impressions in front of a mirror and be sure to press the tray onto your teeth, not bite down. When removing the tray from your mouth do not wiggle it back and forth to loosen it as this will cause the tooth impressions to be larger than the tooth, making your gum shields too large.
After you have taken your impressions, rinse them in lukewarm water and dry them. Do not remove them from the plastic impression tray or wrap them in any way.

Fill out the client card on the bottom inside flap of the box and remove it. Put the completed card and both impressions into the envelope provided. No additional packaging is required.

Put your return address on the envelope and post.
Teeth Whitening Client Card
Teeth Whitening Pouring Moulds
Your impressions are delivered to our lab where we first enter your information from the enclosed card in our computer. The impressions are then inspected to be sure we can pour a good mould from them. If the impressions pass inspection the moulds are then poured. If there is any problem with the impressions, materials to re-make either your top, bottom or both impressions are sent to you with an explanation.
After the moulds have been poured and set they are removed from the impression material. A technician then grinds off any excess material and smoothes them. Lastly they are gone over with a small hand grinder to make sure each tooth impression is clean and smooth. The moulds are inspected before being sent for the trays to be formed.
Teeth Whitening Handpiece
Teeth Whitening Vacume Tray
Next the trays are formed using a specially formulated material that is heated to the melting point and pulled tight around the moulds by a vacuum.
Another technician precisely cuts the material along the gum line of the moulds, using a very hot electric knife. The cut tray is then pulled away from the mould and any rough edges are smoothed.
Teeth Whitening Tray Cutting
Teeth Whitening Finished Tray
We now have a set of gum shields that will fit only your teeth.
The trays receive one final inspection then are placed in the personal carrying case and sent by courier to you.
Teeth Whitening Our Lab Case
Teeth Whitening Case Pans
The numbered moulds are sealed in plastic and put into our storage area. When you need another set of trays we can look them up in our system, find your moulds, and make a replacement set of gum shields.

Teeth Whitening Guarantee We promise if you do not see a dramatic improvement or the whiter smile professional teeth whitening should bring you, or if you're not satisfied with your results for any reason, we'll give 100% of your money back - No questions *.

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CALL 1-877-719-4483 To Order Now or click here to become a Client